Palliative Care
Name: Palliative Care
Category: Health
Service Area: In-home services in Bartholomew County and Outpatient clinic located in Columbus, Indiana
Purpose: A medical specialty that focuses on relieving pain, symptoms and the stress of a serious illness. Palliative care can be provided at any age and any stage of the illness and often takes place over a period of time. Palliative care can begin at the time of diagnosis and can be provided with our without curative treatment.
Hours of Operations: Business office hours 8:00A-4:30P Monday-Friday
Address: Columbus Regional Health 2626 E 17 th Street City: Columbus
State: Indiana
ZIP: 47201
Phone: 812-314-8120
Name: Laura Leonard
Title: President
Description: Palliative Care is specialized care for people with a serious illness, focused on providing patients with
relief from symptoms, pain and stress of their illness – whatever the diagnosis and can be provided
along with curative treatments. The goal is to improve quality of life for the patient and the family.
Updated June 2020