Judge Robert Brown Jackson County Juvenile Home
Agency Information
Name: Judge Robert Brown Jackson County Juvenile Home
Category: Social Services
Service Area: The home serves the state of Indiana.
Purpose: Twenty-four-hour residential treatment for 13-20-year-old boys, group counseling, individual counseling, family counseling, drug counseling, tutoring, and Aftercare program.
Hours of Operation: The home is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Additional Information
Address: 416 E Walnut Street Brownstown, Indiana 47220
Phone: 812-358-5180
Fax: 812-358-5846
Email: juvenilehome@comcast.net
Website: http://www.juvenilehome.com/home.html
Other: Placements are made through the court system only. No services are offered to the general public.
Contact Information
Name: Dan Banks
Title: Director
Phone: 812-358-5180
Email: dan.banks@juvenilehome.com