Jackson Masonic Lodge
Agency Information
Name: Jackson Masonic Lodge #146
Category: Service Clubs/Fraternities/Sororities
Secretary: Pat Cummings
Phone: 812-523-1017
Additional Information
Address: 1818 North Ewing St. P.O. Box 146
City: Seymour
State: Indiana
ZIP: 47274
Phone: 812-522-4945
Email: secretary@jacksonlodge146.org
Website: http://jacksonlodge146.org/
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/JacksonLodge146?ref=stream
Meets on the first and third Monday of every month. We will serve dinner at 6:30 pm and open lodge at 7:30 pm. We also host a breakfast, open and free to all, on the 1st Saturday of each month, lasting from 7:30 am until 9-9:30 am.