Central Christian Church
Agency Information
Name: Central Christian Church
Category: Religious
Purpose: Central Christian Church shall be a church for today, connecting people to Christ and to one another.
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Additional Information
Address: 1434 W Second Street
City: Seymour
State: Indiana
ZIP: 47274
Phone: 812-522-4211
Email: mailto:claudiah@centraldisciples.org
Website: http://www.centraldisciples.org/
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/CentralSeymour
Other: Sunday Worship 9 am - Nursery and Children's Church Available During Worship. Christian Education and Contemporary Worship 10:45 a.m.
Contact Information
Name: Kit Bogan
Title: Youth Pastor
Email: kitb@centraldisciples.org
Name: Lisa Weineke
Title: Coordinator of Children's Ministries
Email: lisa@centraldisciples.org
Name: Kris Elmore
Title: DayCare Director
Email: krise@centraldisciples.org
Name: Doug Elliott
Title: Worship Pastor
Email: douge@centraldisciples.org
Program Information
Title: Choirs for Preschool - Adult
Time: Wednesday Evenings
Title: Youth Groups
Time: Wednesday Evenings
Special Instructions: Grades 4-12
Updated March 2014