Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Indiana: Jackson County
Agency Information
Name: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson County, Inc.
Category: Youth
Service Area: Jackson County
Purpose: Provides mentoring services for children ages 6-13 in Jackson County. Big Brothers Big Sisters offers both community-based and school-based programs. Each child is "matched" with an caring volunteer who spends quality time with that child, doing such things as reading, eating out, going to a movie, taking a walk in the park, etc.
Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday by appointment
Additional Information
Address: 107 S Chestnut St
P.O. Box: 231
City: Seymour
State: Indiana
ZIP: 47274
Phone: 812-522-9699
Fax: 812-273-6027
Facebook URL:
Other: Big Brothers Big Sisters matches participate in organized monthly activities that are sponsored by the agency. Both volunteers and children are screened by the professional case management staff at Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Program Information
Title: Community Based, One to One
Description: Our "One to One" program is what Big Brothers Big Sisters is founded upon. This program matches a caring adult volunteer (like you!) with a child between the ages of 6-13 in a one to one mentoring relationship. Each match meets on a regular basis as determined by the volunteer "Big", parent and child "Little".
Title: School Based, Lunch Buddies
Description: The Lunch Buddies Program matches individuals from the community with an elementary or middle school student. The matches meet during the child’s lunch hour – once per week – for the duration of the school year.
Title: High School Bigs
Description: High School Bigs matches high school students with elementary students in grades 1-3. The matches meet one hour per week in an assigned school location during school hours.
Updated March 2018