Jackson County Clothing Center
Agency Information
Name: Jackson County Clothing Center
Category: Social Services
Service Area: Jackson County
Purpose: To provide clothing, bedding and other household items to those who need them and cannot pay.
Hours of Operation: Monday: 11 AM–2 PM, Tuesday: 1–4 PM, Wednesday: 11 AM–2 PM, Thursday: 1–4 PM, Friday: Closed, Saturday: Closed, Sunday: Closed
Additional Information
Address: 622 West Second St
City: Seymour
State: Indiana
ZIP: 47274
Phone: 812-522-3381
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/JacksonCountyClothingCenter/about/?ref=page_internal
Other: Donations can be brought during open hours or in the mornings.
Program Information
Description: All types of clothing provided free, also blankets, sheets, towels, toys, and small household items as available. Purses, shoes, boots, slippers, belts, ties, hats, gloves, scarves, and coats. Maternity clothes and uniforms as available.
Cost: Free
Updated Mar 2021