Seymour - Clerk Treasurer
Agency Information
Name: Seymour - Clerk Treasurer
Category: Government
Service Area: City of Seymour
Purpose: As Clerk-Treasurer he also oversees the operation of the sanitation utility office and acts as secretary for the Board of Works and Safety.
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm
Additional Information
Address: 309 N. Chestnut Street
City: Seymour
State: Indiana
ZIP: 47274
Phone: 812-522-4020
Contact Information
Name: Fred D. Lewis
Title: Clerk-Treasurer
City: Seymour
State: Indiana
ZIP: 47274
Phone: 812-522-4020
Name: Linda Maschino
Title: First Deputy
Name: Nancy Pulsford
Title: Second Deputy
Name: Barb Barger
Title: Utility Clerk
Name: Patty Tormoehlen
Title: Utility Clerk
Updated Jan 2019